Hi All,

Not totally sure if I'm doing something wrong here. I have a number of 
files listed in an index.ptree file which have underscores in the names. 
For instance:

- eliot_ulysses-order-myth.html.pm

When I start the pollen server, and visit the index.ptree file, it lists: 
"eliot.ulysses-order-myth.html.pm (from eliot_ulysses-order-myth.poly.pm)" 
which links to "http://localhost:8080/eliot.ulysses-order-myth.html";. If I 
click this link, I get a 404... but if I visit instead 
http://localhost:8080/eliot_ulysses-order-myth.html (note the first period 
replaced with an underscore), it works. Are underscores somewhere in the 
generation process being converted to periods? Should I not use 
underscores? Or is this something else entirely?



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