I apologize if I'm abusing the generosity of this list (and Matthew in 
particular); I'm having a great deal of fun with Pollen and Racket.

I'm interested in trying to implement ordered/unordered list output in 
plaintext. I'm trying to pin down whether the trouble I'm having stems from 
a misunderstanding about how Pollen processes a document, or something else 
related to Racket.

If the markup file looks like this, for example:

◊li{Direct treatment of the "thing" whether subjective or objective.}
◊li{To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation.}
◊li{As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, 
not in sequence of a metronome.}

The HTML will be <ol><li>Direct treatment...</li></ol> etc. And LaTeX 
similarly will be "\begin{enumerate} \item Direct treatment... 
\end{enumerate}". HTML and LaTeX helpfully take care of numbering the 
ordered list and so are easier cases than plaintext.

Plaintext output should be something like:

1. Direct treatment of the "thing" whether subjective or objective.

2. To use absolutely no word... (etc) 

For plaintext though, we need to keep track of state (are we in a list? 
what type?) and a list item counter (at least for ordered lists); and this 
becomes particularly thorny with nested lists. So my first thought was a 
global list; as we process the document whenever we encounter a list (an ol 
or ul, or some other type of list), we push some state information onto a 
sort of stack of pairs representing the type of list, and a number 
representing the current note number. Something like:

(set! document-lists (cons ('unordered . 0) document-list))

And then whenever we encounter a list item, we can increment the counter in 
the pair representing the current list, and use that number in the output.. 
(When we're done with a list, we remove it from the global document-lists 
list, and in this way handle nesting). 

(I've written some XSLT, and so that is shaping how I approach Pollen; I'm 
uncertain though whether it's leading me astray.)
To try to get this working, I've simplified this--I'm currently not 
handling nested lists, nor am I even *counting *yet. But I'm still having 
trouble; as I say, I can't tell if it's b/c I'm misunderstanding scope or 
binding in racket, or how Pollen processes texts. 

First, I globally define some way of keeping state (here just a list *type*

(define list-type 'none)

Then, in the function that handles ordered lists:

(define (ol . elements)
  (case (current-poly-target)
    [(html) (txexpr 'ol empty elements)]
        (set! list-type 'ordered)
        (apply string-append `("\n" ,@elements)]))

And, in the function that handles list items:

(define (li . elements)
  (case (current-poly-target)
        (case list-type ;I think this is right; is current-poly-target is a 
function; list-type just a value.
           [(ordered)  (apply string-append `("#. " ,@elements "\n"))])]))

If it were working, I'd also be counting the list items and inserting that 
number where currently there is just a # sign. But this isn't working... 
and it seems that the *set! *which changes *list-type *isn't working. After 
some playing around, it seems that when list items are processed (when the *li 
*function is called), the code for the *ordered *list in the case statement 
isn't getting run; in *li * *list-type* still has its initial value.

So is *set! *not changing it in *ol* because I'm misunderstanding how to 
use set! to keep global state. [I know, as well, that such state is 
anathema to functional style---but things like numbered lists (or 
footnotes) in a document seem to be a reasonable case for using mutation, 
right? There is no obvious functional way of dispensing with this problem 

*Or *am I wrong in assuming that Pollen (like XSLT) processes the document 
linearly, so that I could set state information in the *ol * to affect how 
its "children" (ie. the list items) are processed?

Or {entirely possible!}, have I overlooked something else?

Thanks for reading this far down!

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