Hi all,

I have a poly.pm file that I'm using for a class. I generate a PDF via Xelatex 
and want to output reveal.js slides. I've got it working, but had to change the 
the tags I was using. I have a bunch of tags that I need for the PDF styling, 
but that i don't want to do anything other than pass their input through 
without addition or modification for the HTML output.

I've been doing something like:

(define (my-tag . xs)
    (case (current-poly-target)
        [(ltx) do something] 
        [else xs]))

Is there a better way to pass elements through without doing anything to them. 
I'm finding that my current method oftens wraps the xs in a list when returned 
which then messes up further functions txexpr? contracts.

Thanks I'm advance!

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