
Thank you v. much for dreaming up and creating pollen (and thanks to all 
y'all making cool things with it!).  I discovered it through an article 
about medium, from practical typography, that was shared with me.  Pollen 
represents exactly what I want for a web publishing tool.  Especially the 
notion of creating your own tags, that can then be rendered however you'd 
like in html (or other forms).  That's philosophically just so good to me!

The dilemma I have now, though, is that I started to write in pollen first, 
defining tags as I went along, and then found out I didn't quite get how to 
turn them into the html elements I want.  Worse, I enjoy writing in the 
pollen style so much  that I can't go back.  So I have an html.pm that I 
can't quite figure out how to turn into the .html i'm envisioning, and 
hoping someone here might be able to help?

What I'd like is to have a list of essays by different authors, and each 
author has an id attached to them (it's authors from Scuttlebutt 
<https://scuttlebutt.nz>, and so each person has a public key ID associated 
with them).  the ID is long and strange, and so I don't wanna have to enter 
it each time.

So for an essay, I'd have:

◊title{A Cool Essay}

this is the essay and all the paragraphs and all that....

And I'd want this html:

<h1>A Cool Essay</h1>
<p>this is the essay and all the paragraphs and all that....</p>

In my pollen.rkt I created a meta hash that had each author's name and 
their ID:

(define scuttlebutts
   'Gillis "@a;lksjd2j3j1k2j.sha256f"
   'Brenda "@s8/sj31l13j2k32.sha256"))

And below this I wanted a function to turn ◊author into that details 
element by referencing ◊author text against that 'scuttlebutts' meta...but, 
I can't  get it to work.  The closest I got is this:

(define (author . elements)
  `(details (summary ,@elements)(p `(select-from-metas elements scuttlebutts

Essentially, I can't figure out how to have the value of the for the p 
x-expression to be the result of the select-from-metas expression.  I know 
it's likely something to do with quoting or some such, but I don't have 
enough racket knowledge (yet) to quite make sense of it.

So my question is: what would be the best way to accomplish this?  Is there 
a correction to my function I'm missing, or would y'all recommend going 
about this in a wholly different way?

Thank you!  And thank you again for this wonderfully strange language!

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