On Thu, 2014-10-02 at 23:19 +0200, Makarius wrote:
> We also need to find out how many people are still there to use SML.  So 
> far there are already 9 supporters on 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2036744/ml-ide-and-compiler-for-windows-or-linux-or-mac
> and the green tick has changed as well :-)

FWIW, I am teaching a Functional Programming course with approx. 50
students annually at Master's level.

> "Unfortunate" (like "fix") is a word of this odd street language that has 
> emerged in recent years and is better ignored.  The enclosing theory file 
> is like a project file, but with slightly odd syntax for that purpose, 
> although not too bad compared to the traditional "use" script.

I agree that the syntax could be less odd. Still, no syntax at all
would be even better IMHO, and seems within reach for trivial
(single-file) projects.

> Further note that "print" is also not Standard ML, although TextIO.print 
> is covered by the Basis Library.

In what sense is "print" not Standard ML?

> David Matthews might be able to tell what happens with * (or +).  I know 
> myself from Isabelle/Pure bootstrapping, that formal references to very 
> basic things are sometimes surprising, by construction of the initial 
> environment.

It may be that Poly/ML already returns the most sensible reference, but
that the IDE could treat this case specially to indicate more clearly
that the declaration is not actually available. Anyway, this is just a
very minor UI issue.


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