Dear Aaron,

Thanks a lot for the suggestion. I had seen it, yes. However, I decided against it. This is why. Last week, I blogged an article about a joke generator someone had written in not-quite-portable Lisp ( see ). Yesterday, a reader mailed me to say they'd modified the code to make it portable to Common Lisp. I was going to blog another article about this, and explain how to run it under SBCL (Steel Bank Common Lisp). Then it occurred to me that perhaps I should recommend trying Poplog Lisp too. But doing so natively under Windows seemed easier for readers than via andLinux.

Jocelyn Paine
+44 (0)7768 534 091

On Tue, 22 Dec 2009, Aaron Sloman wrote:

Dear Jocelyn,

I have just seen your message as I was about to leave to visit

I wonder whether you have looked at or tried the solution here

It starts:


           A guide to installing poplog on Windows with andLinux.

   The following describes the process I went through to get poplog
   running on Windows with andLinux. It is not intended to be a
   comprehensive guide. Almost no consideration is given to options
   of software version or configuration. It assumes much knowledge
   of configuring Linux and running poplog-on-Linux. It is intended
   simply to allow others to replicate what I did. In other words,
   although much of the following is worded imperatively it should
   be read as, "This is what I did." You may have the experience to
   know better.

                - Christopher Martin <>, 1 October 2009

If it works, it should give you the full functionality of linux
poplog on windows.

It would be useful to have a report back on the instructions (do
they need any necessary additions, improvements, etc.) and how well
the system works. I am not a windows user and have not had time to
try borrwing my wife's machine to test this out.


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