Posted on Fri, Mar. 11, 2005    

Pope speaks for first time since surgery


Associated Press

VATICAN CITY - Giving reassurances that ailing Pope John Paul II is improving, 
the Vatican released a video Friday with the pontiff speaking a few words in a 
husky voice - the first time he has been heard publicly since a throat 
operation last month to help him breathe.

The two-minute video was taken of a meeting with Tanzanian prelates in the 
pope's 10th floor suite at Gemelli Polyclinic. His photographer also was 
present and several doctors were nearby.

John Paul said a few words, including "va bene" - Italian for "OK." As the 
prelates left, he said, "God bless you" in English.

The 84-year-old pontiff, in purple vestments, is shown seated during a Mass 
with the prelates in the small chapel in the suite. His voice reciting a prayer 
is barely audible and he appears drawn.

The two - Cardinal Polycarp Pengo and Bishop Severine Niwemugizi - are shown 
telling him in English that Tanzanians are praying for him and love him. He 
responded with the two Italian words.

Until Friday, the pope has appeared three times at his hospital window but did 
not speak, raising concerns about his ability to communicate to the faithful. 
He has Parkinson's disease, which makes speaking difficult because of muscle 

Several cardinals, however, have said the pope has spoken to them during 
working meetings at the hospital.

Friday's encounter with the African prelates was an indication that the frail 
pontiff was stepping up his activities before returning to the Vatican.

Doctors have extended his hospital stay "a few more days" but the Vatican said 
he still plans to return in time for the start of Holy Week that begins on Palm 
Sunday, March 20.

The Vatican also released a message the pope handed to the bishops, urging them 
to resist programs linking economic aid to the promotion of sterilization and 
contraception and reaffirming the view that sexual abstinence outside marriage 
is the surest way to limit the spread of AIDS.

"While I regret that I cannot receive you in the Vatican at this time, 
nevertheless I gladly welcome you," the message said. "I greet you all from the 
Gemelli hospital, where I offer my prayers and my suffering for you."

Francesco Storace, the president of Rome's Lazio region, visited the hospital 
earlier Friday and said he was assured by John Paul's aides that the 
convalescence was going well. He said he was told "the pope is doing well and 
will get out soon."

Papal spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls said Thursday that extending the hospital 
stay was not a sign of problems, noting that the Vatican's latest medical 
bulletin said the pope's convalescence was "progressing regularly." He told 
reporters there was nothing in particular that was being done for John Paul at 
the hospital that could not be handled at the Vatican.

The next medical bulletin is scheduled for Monday.

Navarro-Valls said John Paul would make another appearance at a hospital window 
on Sunday, but that it was not known whether his voice would be strong enough 
to greet the faithful.

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and culminates with Easter a week later. The 
Vatican has said the pope plans to give his traditional Easter Sunday 
blessings, his only commitment so far. The pope has delegated various cardinals 
to preside at the events but has not named anyone for the Way of the Cross 
procession at the Colosseum on Good Friday evening, an indication he may want 
to appear himself.

John Paul has been recovering from surgery to insert a tube into his windpipe 
to help him breathe. He has been undergoing breathing and speech therapy, the 
Vatican says. Navarro-Valls said doctors will decide whether and when to remove 
the tube.

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