El diumenge, 9 d’abril de 2017, a les 9:51:16 CEST, Adam Reichold va escriure:
> Hello,
> Am 08.04.2017 um 23:58 schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> > https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeOfConduct/ has appeared from thin air
> > from no public discussion that I can see.
> > 
> > I don't disagree with having a code of conduct, but having one forced down
> > our throats seems kind of a violation of the code of conduct itself.
> > 
> > How would the community feel about moving the project somewhere else?
> > Suggestions welcome.
> That sounds a bit heavy handed IMHO. I would rather suggest trying to
> open the above mentioned public discussion with the originators of the
> document.

I've tried that, waiting for an answer, I'm not hopeful.

Again let me say this is about the lack of "community" involvement on 
discussing the addition of "extra rules" not about the rules themselves.


> > Cheers,
> > 
> >   Albert
> Regards, Adam.

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