On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 10:31:57AM +0200, Amila Fernando wrote:
> I want to know if poppler is just a pdf viewer or it's also an interpreter
> that I can use for the rip? If it's an interpreter I can use it? It's free
> or there is a commercial license to buy for it's use?

There is no commercial licensing.  Poppler is licensed under GPL
versions 2 or 3.  You are free to use it as long as you comply with the
GPL, which in short means that if you distribute the poppler software or
some product that includes the poppler software, you also have to share
the poppler source code, the source code of any modifications you make,
and the source code of any programs which use poppler, also licensed
under the GPL.  Read the GPL for more information.

I don't know what is needed for a RIP so I can't say whether it is
suitable for that purpose, but the poppler maintainer will consider any
patches you provide.
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