Hmmm, this message never made it to popt-devel.

I'm attempting a Bloom filter implementation in popt now, will likely also
attempt choosing 1-of-N exclusively as described here:

and perhaps finish up "option groups" for feature parity with getopt_long()
(but perhaps not, option groups would be very annoying to do correctly).

So last chance to voice an opinion ...

73 de Jeff

Begin forwarded message:

From: Jeff Johnson <>
Date: July 10, 2009 11:24:46 AM EDT
Subject: Adding option bit sets using Bloom filters?

One of the problems that I frequently encounter in RPM using
POPT is the tedium of keeping track of bits and names and
options and functionality, i.e. all the bleeping baggage.

The usual problem that I have in RPM is that I end up running out of bits.

One solution would be to use a Bloom filter for a open-ended class of options
that map to bits. One Bloom filter would be needed to establish
whether an option is in the permitted set, another Bloom filter would
be needed to return values that were explicitly mentioned.

The nice thing about Bloom filters is that they partition all
possible option strings without the tedium of committing to
an explicit mapping onto bits.

I'd likely do the implementation slightly differently than
most option processing, marking a subtable (which carries the strings
necessary to initialize the permitted option Bloom filter) in
this field in struct poptOption:
        /*...@observer@*/ /*...@null@*/
        const char * longName;
and returning which (possibly multiple) options were seen (as always in popt) in
        /*...@shared@*/ /*...@null@*/
        void * arg;                 /*!< depends on argInfo */
with the {m,k} parameters used for the Bloom filter overloaded into
        char shortName;             /*!< may be NUL */
int val; /*!< 0 means don't return, just update flag */

For more on Bloom filters, see

I already have an implementation in RPM that could be moved
to POPT, the implementation is quite straight-forward.

Opinions? I'll likely proceed with an implementation the
next time I get to popt hacking.

73 de Jeff

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