I'm running a fresh i386 4.7 install and have attempted to install
Gnome and GDM.  Here are some issues I've had:

1. I believe in the past, gnome-session installed all the required
components to run Gnome, but that wasn't the case with me.  Installing
gnome-session from packages did not install metacity or nautilus.  If
nautilus isn't installed, gnome will not start correctly.  It's
possible that I did something wrong here, though.  Is there some other
package I should be installing to get all the required components
installed as well?

2. When I installed metacity manually, it would not run, complaining
that it could not find a libgtop shared object library file.
Installing the libgtop2 package fixed this, but libgtop2 should
probably be added as a metacity dependency.

3. I installed the gvfs-smb package and connected to a windows share
successfully.  However, when I try to copy a file from the windows
share to my local computer I get the following error: "Error in stream
protocol: Error reading from unix: Resource temporarily unavailable",
and then the file is created on the local drive but is empty.  I was
bitten by this same issue in OpenBSD 4.6 (running Gnome 2.24), but I
figured it would be fixed now.  It isn't.  Any ideas?


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