Hey Marc,

        I really wonder if the people that are in favour of these
        useless micro-optimizations are still using 56K modems.

I am not in favor of micro optimizations, per se, but if it makes
some sort of logical sense beyond just bandwidth savings, it makes
sense to me that packages be separated accordingly.  Usually, I
would opt for this when you are dealing with data packages that can
and may often be used independently of the binary package.  If the
two just don't make sense separated from each other, then it isn't
much use.  However, games are often like this, and other things,
like TeX, come to mind.

I won't make a specific vote on this package in particular, but,
surely you're not saying that all sub-package separation into things
like -data and -main or similar are micro-optimizations?

        Aaron Hsu
Aaron W. Hsu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | <http://www.sacrideo.us>
"Government is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to
live at the expense of everybody else." -- Frederic Bastiat
+++++++++++++++ ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) ++++++++++++++

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