On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 02:42:39PM -0600, Martynas Venckus wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  ports
> Changes by:   marty...@cvs.openbsd.org        2009/07/15 14:42:39
> Modified files:
>       www/firefox35  : Makefile 
> Added files:
>       www/firefox35/patches: 
> patch-browser_components_certerror_content_aboutCertError_xhtml 
> patch-security_manager_pki_resources_content_exceptionDialog_js 
> Log message:
> firefox cert handling is unbearable.  so automatically spawn 'Add
> exception';  get cert;  and focus 'Confirm' so that one click or
> Enter is needed to get in.
> "OMGOMGOMG!!!!" ma...@.  naddy@ did not object.

Will it automatically set 'One time only' too? That would, to me
at least, seem the safest thing to click through on.

.... Ken

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