CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:        2020/03/18 12:53:45

Modified files:
        multimedia/sfml: Makefile 
        multimedia/sfml/patches: patch-src_SFML_Window_CMakeLists_txt 
Added files:
        multimedia/sfml/files: JoystickImpl.cpp JoystickImpl.hpp 
        multimedia/sfml/patches: patch-cmake_Modules_FindSFML_cmake 

Log message:
Add support for game controllers, i.e. joysticks and gamepads.
The FreeBSD implementation was used as template file, with some
logic to get the devices supported inspired by SDL2 game controller
support. Works for me with Logitech F310, tested with witchblast
and extremetuxracer. Test reports by Raf Czlonka as well.


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