On Fri, May 15, 2020 08:32, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> On Thu, May 14, 2020 at 11:59:54AM -0600, Kirill Bychkov wrote:
>> CVSROOT:     /cvs
>> Module name: ports
>> Changes by:  ki...@cvs.openbsd.org   2020/05/14 11:59:54
>> Modified files:
>>      net/munin      : Makefile distinfo
>>      net/munin/pkg  : PLIST-main
>> Log message:
>> update to munin-2.0.60
> $ make fetch
> ===>  Checking files for munin-2.0.60
>>> Fetch
>>> http://downloads.munin-monitoring.org/munin/stable/2.0.60/munin-2.0.60.tar.gz
> munin-2.0.60.tar.gz 100%
> |*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************|
>  2194 KB    00:02
>>> Size does not match for munin-2.0.60.tar.g

Fixed. Thanks for reporting that.

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