CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2020/05/17 12:48:08

Log message:
    Import p5-Twitter-API-1.0005
    Twitter::API provides an interface to the Twitter REST API for perl.
    * full support for all Twitter REST API endpoints
    * not dependent on a new distribution for new endpoint support
    * optionally specify access tokens per API call
    * error handling via an exception object that captures the full
    request/response context
    * full support for OAuth handshake and Xauth authentication
    Additional features are available via optional traits:
    * convenient methods for API endpoints with simplified argument
    handling via ApiMethods
    * normalized booleans (Twitter likes 'true' and 'false', except when
    it doesn't) via NormalizeBooleans
    * automatic decoding of HTML entities via DecodeHtmlEntities
    * automatic retry on transient errors via RetryOnError
    * "the whole enchilada" combines all the above traits via Enchilada
    * app-only (OAuth2) support via AppAuth
    * automatic rate limiting via RateLimiting
    OK sthen@
    Vendor Tag: afresh1
    Release Tags:       afresh1_20200517
    N ports/net/p5-Twitter-API/Makefile
    N ports/net/p5-Twitter-API/distinfo
    N ports/net/p5-Twitter-API/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/net/p5-Twitter-API/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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