CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: ports Changes by: 2020/10/05 15:07:37
Log message: Import games/odamex. ``` Odamex is a free, cross-platform modification of the Doom engine that allows players to easily join servers dedicated to playing Doom online. ``` OK solene@, thanks! Status: Vendor Tag: edd Release Tags: edd_20201005 N ports/games/odamex/Makefile N ports/games/odamex/distinfo N ports/games/odamex/patches/patch-server_CMakeLists_txt N ports/games/odamex/patches/patch-client_CMakeLists_txt N ports/games/odamex/patches/patch-CMakeLists_txt N ports/games/odamex/patches/patch-odalpapi_net_io_cpp N ports/games/odamex/pkg/PLIST N ports/games/odamex/pkg/DESCR N ports/games/odamex/pkg/README No conflicts created by this import