CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2020/10/06 10:48:54

Log message:
    Import minizip 2.10.
    Minizip was originally developed in 1998. It was first included in the zlib
    distribution as an additional code contribution starting in zlib 1.1.2. 
    that time, it has been continually improved upon and contributed to by many
    + Creating and extracting zip archives.
    + Adding and removing entries from zip archives.
    + Read and write raw zip entry data.
    + Reading and writing zip archives from memory.
    + Zlib, BZIP2, LZMA, and ZSTD compression methods.
    + Password protection through Traditional PKWARE and WinZIP AES encryption.
    + Buffered streaming for improved I/O performance.
    with fixes and tweaks from cwen@:
    - add patch to fix build on gcc
    - disable -Os
    - build & enable tests
    some ports bundle it, some ports allow building against a systemwide
    one, some ports bundle/rely on an incompatible version - all those will be
    fixed in following commits.
    required by an upcoming geo/spatialite/libspatialite update.
    ok bentley@ cwen@
    Vendor Tag: landry
    Release Tags:       landry_20201006
    N ports/archivers/minizip/Makefile
    N ports/archivers/minizip/distinfo
    N ports/archivers/minizip/patches/patch-CMakeLists_txt
    N ports/archivers/minizip/patches/patch-mz_crypt_brg_c
    N ports/archivers/minizip/patches/patch-mz_h
    N ports/archivers/minizip/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/archivers/minizip/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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