CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2020/11/05 13:37:32

Log message:
    Import new port cad/pcb2gcode 2.1.0
    ok and input sthen@, ok kmos@
    pcb2gcode is a command-line software for the isolation, routing and 
drilling of
    PCBs. It takes Gerber files as input and it outputs gcode files, suitable 
    the milling of PCBs. It also includes an Autoleveller, useful for the 
    dynamic calibration of the milling depth.
    Vendor Tag: tracey
    Release Tags:       tracey_20201105
    N ports/cad/pcb2gcode/Makefile
    N ports/cad/pcb2gcode/distinfo
    N ports/cad/pcb2gcode/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/cad/pcb2gcode/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/cad/pcb2gcode/patches/patch-m4_geos_m4
    No conflicts created by this import

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