CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2021/01/16 14:21:05

Modified files:
        net            : Makefile 
        mail/mailman   : Makefile 
        net/samba      : Makefile 
        security/fierce: Makefile 
        textproc/calibre: Makefile 
        net/py-dnspython: Makefile distinfo 
        net/py-dnspython/pkg: PLIST 
Added files:
        security/fierce/patches: patch-requirements_txt 
        net/py-dnspython/patches: patch-dns_resolver_py 
        net/py2-dnspython: Makefile distinfo 
        net/py2-dnspython/pkg: DESCR PLIST 

Log message:
split the py2 version of py-dnspython off into net/py2-dnspython,
update the py3 version to 2.1.0, and adapt ports using it.

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