CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2021/02/01 07:07:52

Modified files:
        security       : Makefile 
        devel/quirks   : Makefile 
Removed files:
        security/siphon: Makefile distinfo 
        security/siphon/patches: patch-log_c 
        security/siphon/pkg: DESCR PLIST 

Log message:
Remove security/siphon

Upstream still ships the tarball, that's it, as per CVS log:
"primary distsite and homepage have gone away".

The only TCP port I've been able to detect (after producing traffing on a
variety of them) is SSH -- and that only worked after enabling IPv4.

Siphon does not seem to support/detect IPv6 at all and it's OS fingerprints
are extremely old;  besides Gentoo we're the only ones still packaging it
according to .

Fails with "-fno-common".
OK cwen

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