CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2021/03/03 21:29:14

Log message:
    Import bupstash-0.7.0
    bupstash is a tool for storing (and retrieving) files and data in an 
    Some notable features of bupstash include:
    - Automatic deduplication of stored data.
    - Client side encryption of data.
    - Incremental file uploads.
    - A tag based query language.
    - Optional role based encryption and decryption key separation.
    - Remote repositories over ssh.
    - Optional, per ssh key access repository controls.
    - A multi layered approach to security.
    - The bupstash tool itself is divided into subcommands that each have their 
    bupstash is alpha software, while all efforts are made to keep bupstash bug
    free, we currently recommend using bupstash for making REDUNDANT backups 
    failure can be tolerated.
    OK sthen@
    Vendor Tag: bket
    Release Tags:       bket_20210304
    N ports/sysutils/bupstash/Makefile
    N ports/sysutils/bupstash/distinfo
    N ports/sysutils/bupstash/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/sysutils/bupstash/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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