CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2021/06/09 13:50:11

Modified files:
        audio/clementine: Makefile 
        audio/pulseaudio: Makefile 
        databases/mongodb: Makefile 
        databases/postgresql: Makefile 
        devel/cppcheck : Makefile 
        devel/electron : Makefile 
        devel          : Makefile 
        devel/openmpi  : Makefile 
        devel/startup-notification: Makefile 
        editors/TeXmacs: Makefile 
        editors/libreoffice: Makefile 
        games/0ad/base : Makefile 
        games/barony   : Makefile 
        games/cataclysm-dda: Makefile 
        games/eduke32  : Makefile 
        games/eliot    : Makefile 
        games/freedroidrpg: Makefile 
        games/godot    : Makefile 
        games/gzdoom   : Makefile 
        games/manaplus : Makefile 
        games/nblood   : Makefile 
        games/odamex   : Makefile 
        games/returntotheroots: Makefile 
        games/ufoai/base: Makefile 
        games/widelands: Makefile 
        graphics/gimp/stable: Makefile 
        inputmethods/fcitx: Makefile 
        lang/apl       : Makefile 
        lang/flang/flang: Makefile 
        lang/gcc/8     : Makefile 
        lang/gpc       : Makefile 
        lang/jimtcl    : Makefile 
        lang/libv8     : Makefile 
        lang/mono      : Makefile 
        lang/node      : Makefile 
        lang/ponyc     : Makefile 
        lang/swi-prolog: Makefile 
        mail/claws-mail: Makefile 
        math/netcdf    : Makefile 
        multimedia/libv4l: Makefile 
        net/freeradius3: Makefile 
        net/gtk-gnutella: Makefile 
        net/qbittorrent/qbittorrent: Makefile 
        net/qbittorrent/qbittorrent/patches: patch-configure_ac 
        net/qbittorrent/qbittorrent-nox: Makefile 
        net/qbittorrent/qbittorrent-nox/patches: patch-configure_ac 
        net/samba      : Makefile 
        net/strongswan : Makefile 
        net/zabbix     : Makefile 
        security/clamav: Makefile 
        www/chromium   : Makefile 
        www/iridium    : Makefile 
        www/varnish    : Makefile 
        www/webkitgtk4 : Makefile 
        x11/afterstep  : Makefile 
        x11/afterstep/patches: patch-configure 
        x11/awesome    : Makefile 
        x11/gnome/builder: Makefile 
        x11/mate/power-manager: Makefile 
        x11/mate/session-manager: Makefile 
        x11/qt5/qtbase : Makefile 
        x11/qt5/qtwebengine: Makefile 
        x11/qt6/qtbase : Makefile 
        x11/winwrangler: Makefile 
        devel/quirks   : Makefile 
Removed files:
        devel/libexecinfo: Makefile distinfo 
        devel/libexecinfo/patches: patch-examples_Makefile 
        devel/libexecinfo/pkg: DESCR PLIST 

Log message:
remove ports libexecinfo, we now have a libunwind-based libexecinfo in base

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