CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2021/10/29 02:40:18

Modified files:
        devel/quirks   : Makefile 
        geo            : Makefile 
Removed files:
        geo/tilecache  : Makefile distinfo 
        geo/tilecache/patches: patch-setup_py 
        geo/tilecache/pkg: DESCR PLIST 

Log message:
remove geo/tilecache, ok landry

py2-only, no activity upstream in a long time (some newer code at but even that is from 7 years ago),
depends on py-paste which is "on limited life-support", and there are
more modern alternatives (mapproxy is in ports, or there are also java
applications like geowebcache/geoserver).

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