On 2/14/2023 3:26 AM, Antoine Jacoutot wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 07:36:28PM -0700, Brian Callahan wrote:
>> CVSROOT:     /cvs
>> Module name: ports
>> Changes by:  bcal...@cvs.openbsd.org 2023/02/12 19:36:28
>> Modified files:
>>      devel/dub      : Makefile distinfo 
>>      devel/dub/patches: patch-source_dub_dub_d 
>>                         patch-test_issue1408-inherit-linker-files_dub_sdl 
>>      devel/dub/pkg  : PLIST 
>> Log message:
>> Update to dub-1.31.0
>> Among other changes, colorization of output.
>> Changelog: https://github.com/dlang/dub/compare/v1.29.0...v1.31.0
> This broke trash-d:
> ===> trash-d-18 depends on: dub-* -> dub-1.31.0-dmd
> ===>  Verifying specs:  c c++abi execinfo m pthread
> ===>  found c.97.0 c++abi.6.0 execinfo.3.0 m.10.1 pthread.27.0
> ===>  Checking files for trash-d-18
>>> Fetch https://github.com/rushsteve1/trash-d/archive/18/trash-d-18.tar.gz
>>> (SHA256) trash-d-18.tar.gz: OK
> ===>  Extracting for trash-d-18
> ===>  Patching for trash-d-18
> ===>  Compiler link: clang -> /usr/bin/clang
> ===>  Compiler link: clang++ -> /usr/bin/clang++
> ===>  Compiler link: cc -> /usr/bin/cc
> ===>  Compiler link: c++ -> /usr/bin/c++
> ===>  Generating configure for trash-d-18
> ===>  Configuring for trash-d-18
> ===>  Building for trash-d-18
> cd /hack/cvs/ports/pobj/trash-d-18/trash-d-18 && dub build -b release 
> --cache=local --compiler=dmd
>      Warning /hack/cvs/ports/pobj/trash-d-18/trash-d-18/dub.json(5:1): 
> versionName: Key is not a valid member of this section. Did you mean: 
> version, versions, versionFilters
>     Starting Performing "release" build using dmd for x86_64.
> Error Invalid SemVer format: 18
> *** Error 2 in . (Makefile:30 'do-build')
> *** Error 2 in . (/hack/cvs/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2956 
> '/hack/cvs/ports/pobj/trash-d-18/.build_done': @cd /usr/ports/sysutils/...)
> *** Error 2 in /usr/ports/sysutils/trash-d 
> (/hack/cvs/ports/infrastructure/mk/bsd.port.mk:2600 'all': @lock=trash-d-18;  
> export _LOCKS_HELD=...)

Fixed now. Thanks and sorry.


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