CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2023/04/27 16:11:07

Log message:
    new port security/paperkey
    Due to metadata and redundancy, OpenPGP secret keys are significantly larger
    than just the "secret bits". The secret key contains a complete copy of the
    public key. Since the public key generally doesn't need to be escrowed, only
    archiving the secret parts can be a real advantage.
    Paperkey extracts just those secret bytes and prints them. To reconstruct, 
    re-enter those bytes (whether by hand, OCR, QR code, or the like) and 
    can use them to transform your existing public key into a secret key.
    Maintainer: The OpenBSD ports mailing-list <>
    from Mikhail <mp39590 AT gmail DOT com>
    OK op@
    Vendor Tag: aisha
    Release Tags:       aisha_20230427
    N ports/security/paperkey/distinfo
    N ports/security/paperkey/Makefile
    N ports/security/paperkey/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/security/paperkey/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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