CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2010/06/23 12:13:55

Modified files:
        security       : Makefile 
Removed files:
        security/stel/patches: patch-stel_Makefile patch-Makefile 
                               patch-stel_defs_h patch-stel_makeio_c 
                               patch-stel_steld_c patch-stel_sub_c 
        security/stel/pkg: DESCR MESSAGE PLIST 
        security/stel  : Makefile distinfo 

Log message:
Do we really need a '96 'Secure Telnet Daemon' when we have OpenSSH in
base ? srsly ?
No cries of despair within a week on ports@, 'Put the port away' jasper@

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