CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2024/01/03 08:49:34

Log message:
    import py3-openbsd-0.1.0;  Feedback OK sthen
    Python bindings for some OpenBSD-specific APIs.
    Currently the following are supported:
    - pledge
    - unveil
    Vendor Tag: kn
    Release Tags:       kn_20240103
    C ports/devel/py-openbsd/Makefile
    C ports/devel/py-openbsd/distinfo
    C ports/devel/py-openbsd/pkg/DESCR
    C ports/devel/py-openbsd/pkg/PLIST
    4 conflicts created by this import.
    Use the following command to help the merge:
    cvs checkout -jkn:yesterday -jkn ports/devel/py-openbsd

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