CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2010/10/12 10:03:41

Modified files:
        lang/ruby      : 

Log message:
Don't build C extensions inside gems during the fake stage, instead
build them during the build stage and install them during fake.

devel/ruby-gems doesn't have separate build and install commands, as
most gems are pure ruby code and don't need a separate build stage.
When ruby-gems is installing a gem with C extensions, it builds them
during the install.  Since installing is done during the fake stage,
this meant that the extensions were getting built as root.

Previously, this was required, as gem's --user-install option was
broken.  However, since that option has now been fixed, we use
it to install the gem to a temporary location as the current
user during build, and then mv and chown the files during fake.

Thanks to bernd@ for pointing out that the fixed --user-install
option allowed this.

ok landry

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