CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2010/10/29 06:44:06

Modified files:
        x11/xfce4/exo  : Makefile 
        x11/xfce4/orage: Makefile 
        x11/xfce4/thunar: Makefile 
        x11/xfce4/xfce4-dict: Makefile 
        x11/xfce4/xfce4-screenshooter: Makefile 
        x11/xfce4/xfce4-session: Makefile 
        x11/xfce4/xfdesktop: Makefile 
        x11/xfce4/xfmpc: Makefile 

Log message:
Remove USE_GROFF, those manpage just display fine with mandoc(1).
Thanks ingo for showing me how to check it..

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