CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2010/12/06 15:33:18

Log message:
    Import www/canto.
    Canto is an Atom/RSS feed reader for the console that is meant to be
    quick, concise, and colorful. It provides a minimal, yet information
    packed interface with almost infinite customization and extensibility.
    OK landry@
    Vendor Tag: dcoppa
    Release Tags:       dcoppa_20101206
    N ports/www/canto/distinfo
    N ports/www/canto/Makefile
    N ports/www/canto/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/www/canto/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/www/canto/patches/patch-canto_args_py
    N ports/www/canto/patches/patch-canto_canto_fetch_py
    N ports/www/canto/patches/patch-canto_const_py
    N ports/www/canto/patches/patch-canto_main_py
    N ports/www/canto/patches/patch-setup_py
    No conflicts created by this import

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