CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:       2011/05/22 08:18:48

Log message:
    Import cups-pk-helper-0.1.2.
    cups-pk-helper is a PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained
    For example, it's possible to let users enable/disable printers without
    requiring a password, while still requiring a password for editing
    printer settings.
    ok jasper@
    Vendor Tag: ajacoutot
    Release Tags:       ajacoutot_20110522
    N ports/print/cups-pk-helper/distinfo
    N ports/print/cups-pk-helper/Makefile
    N ports/print/cups-pk-helper/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/print/cups-pk-helper/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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