CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2012/03/04 09:57:19

Modified files:
        audio/libmpdclient: Makefile distinfo 
        audio/mpc      : Makefile distinfo 
        audio/mpc/patches: patch-Makefile_in 
        audio/mpc/pkg  : PLIST 
        audio/mpd      : Makefile distinfo 
        audio/mpd/patches: patch-Makefile_in patch-configure 
        audio/ncmpc    : Makefile distinfo 
        audio/ncmpc/patches: patch-src_screen_c 
Added files:
        audio/ncmpc/patches: patch-configure 

Log message:
Updates for musicpd ports:

libmpdclient 2.6 -> 2.7
mpc 0.21 -> 0.22
mpd 0.16.5 -> 0.16.7
ncmpc 0.19 -> 0.20

Ok Tobias Ulmer (maintainer) who also requested to give maintainership
to me

Ok landry@

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