CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2012/03/05 11:05:35

Log message:
    Import eliot 1.14.
    Eliot is a Scrabble game, it offers 3 different game modes:
    The free game mode is the standard one, ideal for having fun with your
    friends or family. You can play the game against a friend so that you
    can test your skills.
    In the duplicate mode, all the players are faced with the same board and
    letters at the same time. It is mainly used in clubs and competitions
    since it takes away the chance (and tactics) component(s) of the game.
    The training mode allows to play alone and make progress for the
    duplicate.  It gives more freedom than the multiplayer modes.
    Feedback/ok sthen@
    Vendor Tag: landry
    Release Tags:       landry_20120305
    N ports/games/eliot/Makefile
    N ports/games/eliot/distinfo
    N ports/games/eliot/patches/patch-configure
    N ports/games/eliot/patches/patch-utils_ncurses_h
    N ports/games/eliot/patches/patch-utils_Makefile_in
    N ports/games/eliot/patches/patch-qt_main_window_cpp
    N ports/games/eliot/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/games/eliot/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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