CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2012/05/28 03:18:56

Log message:
    Import vbam-
    VBA-M is a fork from the now inactive VisualBoy Advance project, with
    goals to improve the capabilities and features of the emulator.
    This is basically a replacement for emulators/vba, which is currently
    broken in at least two ways:
    - emulation speed is whacked out when sndiod is running
    - gvba recently started segfaulting on startup
    tweaks & oks from landry@ jasper@ edd@
    Vendor Tag: bentley
    Release Tags:       bentley_20120528
    N ports/emulators/vbam/Makefile
    N ports/emulators/vbam/distinfo
    N ports/emulators/vbam/patches/patch-src_common_Port_h
    N ports/emulators/vbam/patches/patch-src_common_Patch_cpp
    N ports/emulators/vbam/patches/patch-CMakeLists_txt
    N ports/emulators/vbam/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/emulators/vbam/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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