CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2012/06/21 14:25:45

Modified files:
        productivity/zim: Makefile distinfo 
        productivity/zim/patches: patch-setup_py patch-zim_config_py 
        productivity/zim/pkg: PLIST 

Log message:
This is an update for Zim to 0.56 with this updates:

* Fixed critical bug for opening email adresses without "mailto:"; prefix
* Fixed bug where context menu for page index applied to the current page
instead of the selected page
* Fixed behavior of Recent Pages pathbar in cases where part of the
history is dropped
* Fixed behavior of the Search dialog, it no longer hangs and also
allows cancelling the search
* Fixed bug where replacing a word (e.g spell correction) could drop

And a lot others. Tested on i386

Ok Sebastian Benoit (MAINTAINER), aja@

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