CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2012/08/30 14:51:27

Log message:
    Wrapper to mmap(2), allowing files or devices to be lazily loaded
    into memory as strict or lazy ByteStrings, using the virtual memory
    subsystem to do on-demand loading.
    ok matthew, sthen.
    Vendor Tag: kili
    Release Tags:       kili_20120830
    N ports/devel/hs-bytestring-mmap/Makefile
    N ports/devel/hs-bytestring-mmap/distinfo
    N ports/devel/hs-bytestring-mmap/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/devel/hs-bytestring-mmap/pkg/DESCR
    No conflicts created by this import

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