CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2012/10/19 22:34:32

Log message:
    Import foma-0.9.16.
    Foma is a compiler, programming language, and C library for constructing
    finite-state automata and transducers for various uses. It has specific
    support for many natural language processing applications such as
    producing morphological analyzers. Although NLP applications are
    probably the main use of foma, it is sufficiently generic to use for a
    large number of purposes.
    ok jeremy@ pirofti@
    Vendor Tag: bentley
    Release Tags:       bentley_20121018
    N ports/math/foma/Makefile
    N ports/math/foma/distinfo
    N ports/math/foma/patches/patch-flookup_c
    N ports/math/foma/patches/patch-Makefile
    N ports/math/foma/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/math/foma/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/math/foma/pkg/PFRAG.shared
    No conflicts created by this import

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