CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2012/10/26 01:48:56

Modified files:
        net/ldns       : 
        net/ldns/libldns: Makefile 
Added files:
        net/ldns       : distinfo 
Removed files:
        net/ldns/drill : distinfo 
        net/ldns/libldns: distinfo 
        net/ldns/utils : distinfo 

Log message:
Update to ldns 1.6.15; they didn't intend an ABI change in 1.6.14 and
rolled a new release quickly to revert, however since we've already
bumped the library, bump it again. No other changes.

While there, use a common distinfo file for all three 'sub-ports'
which share a single distfile.

ok brad@

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