CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2012/10/29 09:19:03

Modified files:
        chinese/libtabe: Makefile 
        x11/XawMu      : Makefile 
        devel/plib     : Makefile 
        math/p5-Math-Pari: Makefile 
        x11/nx/nxcomp  : Makefile 
        net/dxpc       : Makefile 
        fonts/zh-arphicttf: Makefile 
        fonts/ko-baekmuk-fonts: Makefile 
        fonts/intlfonts: Makefile 
        fonts/terminus-font: Makefile 
        www/larbin     : Makefile 
        fonts/zh-wqy-bitmapfont: Makefile 
        mail/metamail  : Makefile 
        sysutils/clusterit: Makefile 
        fonts/ko-hanterm-fonts: Makefile 
        fonts/ja-kanjistrokeorders-ttf: Makefile 
        x11/libdnd     : Makefile 
        fonts/artwiz-aleczapka: Makefile 
        fonts/gohufont : Makefile 
        fonts/dina-fonts: Makefile 

Log message:
resurrect USE_X11, only for the few ports that require xenocara components
but don't have explicit WANTLIB that point to X11.

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