CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2013/04/23 03:40:58

Modified files:
        www/webkit     : Makefile 
Added files:
        www/webkit/patches: patch-Source_WTF_wtf_StackBounds_cpp 

Log message:
Add a patch to fix stack bounds computation, from David Hill (also
pushed upstream as

Seems to fix xombrero/surf crashes on amd64, and seems to magically make
webkit sort-of usable (ie dead-slow, but js seems to work) on powerpc.
(symptom : ** Message: console message: undefined @0: RangeError: Maximum
call stack size exceeded.)

Note : webkit still fails to build on mips64* and hppa. sigh.

ok jasper@

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