CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2013/11/03 15:04:44

Modified files:
        multimedia/moovida/core: Makefile 
        multimedia/moovida/plugins-bad: Makefile 
        multimedia/moovida/plugins-good: Makefile 
        multimedia/moovida/plugins-ugly: Makefile 

Log message:
Moovida doesnt specifically use avahi-gtk, so depend on py-avahi instead
so that ajacoutot@ can remove the former. Note that moovida is close to
hit the attic, given that it has been dropped from debian, upstream
switched to for version 2.0 and
version 1.0.x is sortof abandoned.. but it still sorta works, so keep it
for now.

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