CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:    2014/07/13 03:24:16

Log message:
    Konversation is a user-friendly, highly configurable Internet Relay
    Chat (IRC) client built on the KDE Platform. It features:
    * SSL server support
    * Bookmarking support
    * Easy to use graphical user interface
    * Multiple servers and channels in one single window
    * DCC file transfer
    * Multiple identities for different servers
    * Text decorations and colors
    * OnScreen Display for notifications
    * Automatic UTF-8 detection
    * Per channel encoding support
    * Theme support for nick icons
    Remember to set up encoding before connecting. This is done in
    your identity parameters dialog.
    okay landry@
    Vendor Tag: zhuk
    Release Tags:       zhuk_20140713
    N ports/net/konversation/Makefile
    N ports/net/konversation/distinfo
    N ports/net/konversation/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/net/konversation/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/net/konversation/patches/patch-src_dcc_transfer_cpp
    N ports/net/konversation/patches/patch-src_dcc_transferrecv_cpp
    N ports/net/konversation/patches/patch-src_dcc_transfersend_cpp
    No conflicts created by this import

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