CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2014/09/14 17:05:05

Log message:
    Import editors/moe
    ok landry@ jturner@
    GNU Moe is a powerful, 8-bit clean, console text editor for ISO-8859 and
    ASCII character encodings. It has a modeless, user-friendly interface,
    online help, multiple windows, unlimited undo/redo capability, unlimited
    line length, global search/replace (on all buffers at once), block
    operations, automatic indentation, word wrapping, filename completion,
    directory browser, duplicate removal from prompt histories, delimiter
    matching, etc.
    Moe tries to rationalize the keyboard commands. The Alt key is used for
    harmless commands like cursor movements and scrolling. The Control key
    is used for more "dangerous" commands like copying text blocks, deleting
    lines, or exiting. The Tab key is used for filename completion and also
    shows/hides the directory browser when moe asks for a filename to save
    or load. In any case, the unlimited undo/redo capability of moe makes
    very difficult to accidentally cause an irreparable damage to your
    Moe uses the function keys, so that the most frequent commands can be
    issued with only one finger. The function key F1 shows the online help,
    and F10 allows you to change the options.
    Vendor Tag: bcallah
    Release Tags:       bcallah_20140914
    N ports/editors/moe/Makefile
    N ports/editors/moe/distinfo
    N ports/editors/moe/patches/patch-Makefile_in
    N ports/editors/moe/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/editors/moe/pkg/PLIST
    No conflicts created by this import

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