CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2014/11/07 03:05:29

Modified files:
        x11/grantlee   : Makefile 
        x11/grantlee/pkg: PLIST 
        net/libmygpo-qt: Makefile 
        net/libmygpo-qt/pkg: PLIST 
        x11/libqaccessibilityclient: Makefile 
        x11/libqaccessibilityclient/pkg: PLIST 
        productivity/libqzeitgeist/pkg: PLIST 
        graphics/openjp2: Makefile 
        graphics/openjp2/pkg: PLIST 
        x11/polkit-qt4/pkg: PLIST 
        devel/qjson    : Makefile 
        devel/qjson/pkg: PLIST 
        multimedia/qt-gstreamer: Makefile 
        multimedia/qt-gstreamer/pkg: PLIST 
        databases/strigi: Makefile 
        databases/strigi/pkg: PLIST 
        converters/wv2 : Makefile 
        converters/wv2/pkg: PLIST 

Log message:
Use MODCMAKE_BUILD_SUFFIX where appropriate, bump REVISION when the PLIST
actually changes.

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