On 2015/06/03 08:26, Peter Hessler wrote:
> On 2015 Jun 02 (Tue) at 19:40:55 +0200 (+0200), Mike Belopuhov wrote:
> :On 2 June 2015 at 19:24, Miod Vallat <m...@online.fr> wrote:
> :>> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> :>> Module name:  ports
> :>> Changes by:   mi...@cvs.openbsd.org   2015/06/02 10:57:54
> :>>
> :>> Modified files:
> :>>       net/icbd       : Makefile distinfo
> :>>
> :>> Log message:
> :>> Update to 1.5: 99% production ready now!
> :>
> :> But is it web-scale yet?
> :
> :For all I know it already runs in the cloud!
> :
> If by "cloud" you mean "someone else's computer", then yes, it runs in
> the cloud.  :)


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