CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2015/12/29 15:44:37

Modified files:
        net/irssi      : Makefile distinfo 
        net/irssi/patches: patch-docs_irssi_1 
        net/irssi/pkg  : PLIST 
Removed files:
        net/irssi/patches: patch-src_fe-common_core_fe-core-commands_c 

Log message:
update to irssi-0.8.17, diff came from maintainer some time ago, but there
were problems with irssi-icb (will be fixed in following commit). I made some
small changes from the earlier diff: add PKGSPEC so that plugins pick up the
correct version of irssi, use a better license marker, and install the
irssi-config script that irssi-icb looks for.

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