CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:  2016/01/22 08:24:30

Log message:
    Import typespeed 0.6.5.
    Typespeed's idea is ripped from ztspeed (a DOS game made by Zorlim). The 
    behind the game is rather easy: type words that are flying by from left to
    right as fast as you can. If you miss 10 or more words, game is over.
    You can play typespeed for your own or with a friend using TCP/IPv4. These
    options are called Single player and Multiplayer respectively.
    I patched out the whole 'setgid games binary to store scores in a
    systemwide file' feature, scores are stored in ~/.typespeed/score.
    From MAINTAINER Nils Reuße, thanks!
    ok abieber@
    Vendor Tag: nreusse
    Release Tags:       landry_20160122
    N ports/games/typespeed/Makefile
    N ports/games/typespeed/distinfo
    N ports/games/typespeed/pkg/DESCR
    N ports/games/typespeed/pkg/PLIST
    N ports/games/typespeed/patches/patch-src_typespeed_c
    N ports/games/typespeed/patches/patch-src_file_c
    N ports/games/typespeed/patches/patch-src_misc_c
    No conflicts created by this import

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