CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by: 2016/05/25 00:39:35

Modified files:
        lang/rust      : Makefile 
        lang/rust/pkg  : PLIST-main 
Added files:
        lang/rust/patches: patch-src_librustc_session_filesearch_rs 
Removed files:
        lang/rust/files: rustc 

Log message:
lang/rust: fallback to LOCALBASE for sysroot

- std::env::current_exe() returns an error instead of returning wrong
pathname (no complete, but rust build scripts makes (bad)
assumptions that I couldn't patch for now).

- rustc / rustdoc to use CFG_PREFIX (configure --prefix value) when
std::env::current_exe() return an error

- remove the installed wrapper used to pass --sysroot argument to
rustc (the wrapper was used for workaround the problem differently
for rustc, but didn't resolv the problem for rustdoc as it doesn't
have --sysroot argument).

looks ok edd@

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