CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    ports
Changes by:   2016/10/01 05:54:18

Modified files:
        archivers/fuse-zip: Makefile 
        audio/libofa   : Makefile 
        benchmarks/httperf: Makefile 
        chinese/cconv  : Makefile 
        comms/picocom  : Makefile 
        comms/wy60     : Makefile 
        databases/leveldb: Makefile 
        databases/py-apsw: Makefile 
        devel/arduino  : Makefile 
        devel/codeworker: Makefile 
        devel/dissy    : Makefile 
        devel/gflags   : Makefile 
        devel/gtest    : Makefile 
        devel/ocaml-bitstring: Makefile 
        devel/protobuf : Makefile 
        devel/py-mox   : Makefile 
        devel/py-progressbar: Makefile 
        devel/pybugz   : Makefile 
        devel/rlog     : Makefile 
        devel/shunit2  : Makefile 
        devel/sparsehash: Makefile 
        devel/ucpp     : Makefile 
        editors/texworks: Makefile 
        games/choria   : Makefile 
        games/pingus   : Makefile 
        games/singularity: Makefile 
        geo/gmapcatcher: Makefile 
        graphics/delaboratory: Makefile 
        graphics/ffmpegthumbnailer: Makefile 
        graphics/fotowall: Makefile 
        graphics/openjpeg: Makefile 
        graphics/py-dot: Makefile 
        graphics/py-graphics: Makefile 
        infrastructure/templates: network.conf.template 
        inputmethods/ibus: Makefile 
        inputmethods/ibus-anthy: Makefile 
        japanese/mecab : Makefile 
        lang/processing: Makefile 
        math/foma      : Makefile 
        math/geogebra  : Makefile 
        misc/p5-Umph-Prompt: Makefile 
        multimedia/libmp4v2: Makefile 
        net/flow-tools : Makefile 
        net/grake      : Makefile 
        net/libdnet    : Makefile 
        net/openvpn-auth-ldap: Makefile 
        net/p5-SNMP_Session: Makefile 
        net/py-dpkt    : Makefile 
        net/py-flowtools: Makefile 
        net/softflowd  : Makefile 
        net/tircd      : Makefile 
        net/torsocks   : Makefile 
        net/unworkable : Makefile 
        print/apvlv    : Makefile 
        print/detex    : Makefile 
        productivity/akonadi-googledata: Makefile 
        productivity/libgcal: Makefile 
        security/bunny : Makefile 
        security/encfs : Makefile 
        security/py-pefile: Makefile 
        security/yubiserve: Makefile 
        sysutils/py-lockfile: Makefile 
        textproc/iksemel: Makefile 
        textproc/py-prettytable: Makefile 
        textproc/txt2tags: Makefile 
        textproc/uchardet: Makefile 
        www/ap2-mod_wsgi: Makefile 
        www/drupal6/jquery_ui: Makefile 
        www/gcap       : Makefile 
        www/mollify    : Makefile 
        www/sabredav   : Makefile 
        www/sqtop      : Makefile 
        x11/faenza-icon-theme: Makefile 
        x11/gnome-colors-icon-theme: Makefile 
        x11/goggles    : Makefile 
        x11/keynav     : Makefile 
        x11/partiwm    : Makefile 
        x11/pinot      : Makefile 
        x11/py-pyglet  : Makefile 
        x11/tktray     : Makefile 
        x11/wbar       : Makefile 

Log message:
The ${PROJECT} master sites are no longer
accessible, but the distfiles are still available at an archive URL.
Introduce MASTER_SITE_GOOGLECODE and use it for all affected ports.

ok czarkoff@ danj@ sthen@

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